Interface ResolvedTimeline<TContent>

The ResolvedTimeline contains all objects on the timeline, resolved. All references and all conflicts have been resolved. The absolute times of all objects can be found in objects[id].resolved.instances.

To retrieve a state at a certain time, use getResolvedState(resolvedTimeline, time).

Note: If limitTime was specified in the ResolveOptions, the ResolvedTimeline is only valid up until that time and needs to be re-resolved afterwards.

Type Parameters


  • ResolvedTimeline


classes: {
    [className: string]: string[];

Map of all classes on timeline, maps className to object ids

Type declaration

  • [className: string]: string[]
error?: Error

Is set if there was an error during Resolving and options.dontThrowOnError is set.

layers: {
    [layer: string]: string[];

Map of the object ids, per layer

Type declaration

  • [layer: string]: string[]
nextEvents: NextEvent[]
objects: ResolvedTimelineObjects<TContent>

Map of all objects on timeline

statistics: {
    resolveTrace: string[];
    resolvedGroupCount: number;
    resolvedInstanceCount: number;
    resolvedKeyframeCount: number;
    resolvedObjectCount: number;
    resolvingCount: number;
    resolvingObjectCount: number;
    totalCount: number;

Type declaration

  • resolveTrace: string[]

    If traceResolving option is enabled, will contain a trace of the steps the resolver did while resolving

  • resolvedGroupCount: number

    Number of resolved groups

  • resolvedInstanceCount: number

    Number of resolved instances

  • resolvedKeyframeCount: number

    Number of resolved keyframes

  • resolvedObjectCount: number

    Number of resolved objects

  • resolvingCount: number

    How many times the objects where resolved. If there are deep/recursive references in the timline, the resolver might resolve an object multiple times in order to fully resolve the timeline. (is affected when using cache)

  • resolvingObjectCount: number

    How many objects (including keyframes) where actually resolved (is affected when using cache)

  • totalCount: number

    Number of timeline objects (including keyframes) in the timeline

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