Map of all classes on timeline, maps className to object ids
errorIs set if there was an error during Resolving and options.dontThrowOnError is set.
Map of the object ids, per layer
Map of all objects on timeline
If traceResolving option is enabled, will contain a trace of the steps the resolver did while resolving
Number of resolved groups
Number of resolved instances
Number of resolved keyframes
Number of resolved objects
How many times the objects where resolved. If there are deep/recursive references in the timline, the resolver might resolve an object multiple times in order to fully resolve the timeline. (is affected when using cache)
How many objects (including keyframes) where actually resolved (is affected when using cache)
Number of timeline objects (including keyframes) in the timeline
Generated using TypeDoc
The ResolvedTimeline contains all objects on the timeline, resolved. All references and all conflicts have been resolved. The absolute times of all objects can be found in objects[id].resolved.instances.
To retrieve a state at a certain time, use getResolvedState(resolvedTimeline, time).
Note: If
was specified in the ResolveOptions, the ResolvedTimeline is only valid up until that time and needs to be re-resolved afterwards.