Interface InputLayer



afilter?: string
content: INPUT
id: string

Id of the original timelineObject

input: {
    channelLayout?: string;
    device: number;
    format?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional channelLayout?: string
  • device: number
  • Optional format?: string
layerNo: number

What layer to put the content on

media: TransitionObject | "decklink"
mixer?: Mixer

Mixer attributes to apply on the layer, like transform, rotate or opacity

nextUp?: NextUp
noClear?: boolean

If true, we'll never send a CLEAR for this object when it stops. Might be useful in some cases where it's important to not kill the object (like when piping through a decklink input)

playTime: null

[timestamp] If set, at what point in time the object started playing, null means "irrelevant"

playing: true
vfilter?: string

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