
Playout Options

In the Schema, there is an option to add the gddPlayoutOptions object with various properties therein. These properties can be read by a playout client in order to modify how it’ll display / use / play the template.

Note: All of the properties inside of gddPlayoutOptions are optional.

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "My GFX Template",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "myProperty": {
      // ...
  "gddPlayoutOptions": {
    /** This object contains specific options for the various playout server types (CasparCG, Viz, vMix etc..) */
    "playout" {
      // The contents of this object are described in the sections below


  "gddPlayoutOptions": {
    "playout" {
      "casparcg": {
        /** The default server to play on (an IP-address or a hostname). */
        "serverHost"?: string
        /** The default server to play on. */
        "serverPort"?: number

        /** The default / suggested channel to play on */
        "channel"?: number
        /** The default / suggested layer to play on */
        "layer"?: number



This sections is yet to be written